Saturday, December 8, 2007

comment on Go Figure

This is the comment I left on Pastor Shane's blog titled "Go Figure". I too have been trying to decide how I would comment to this blog. I think that there are 3 kinds of people in the world who would deal with this situation. One is the person who chooses to believe that people don't really need help. It's easy to sit at home on their comfortable couch and never wonder how many people need some of the food in their cabinets, or clothes out of their closet, or money in their wallet. The second person, knows there is a person that needs help and believes that it is someone else's job, maybe they don't have enough money themselves and do not feel the need to help someone else. They often pass the responsibilty on to someone else. The third is the person who wants to get the job done, who see's a need that needs to be met and finds some way to care of it. They share what they have, even if they have very little, they try every resource they can to help someone in need. If I were to ask which person a christian person should be, which would you choose? and why? I am going to stop there and allow each to comment. When we have your comments, then I will share the rest of my story. I have a great story to share, so please leave your comments.


Anonymous said...

I would hope that everyone would say the third person, the one who gets involved and helps is the true christian. But in reality, we all three types in the body of christ today. Most people are too busy to get involved and the others just want to sit on the sidelines and watch. Just the functins of the church.... there is a small group of people doing the actual work, while everyone else is watching and waiting for it to be done. I beleive the percentage is 20% of the people are doing 80% of the work, and 2% of the people are actually giving a full tithe. Ouch! I know that one hurt but it is true. I am the third, I like to get in there and help however I can.

Matt said...

We all think we can just throw money at something and it will get better. Money is good and we do need it to minister to people. The problem though is when we don't want to actually get in the middle of the work. We don't want to volunter to help baby sit or paint or just set and talk to someone. We don't want to give up our time on the weekend so a husband or wife who cares for a loved one can get a break while we set with their famil member.

I love when we say "I need to spend the time with my family" " should I neglect them to help someone else" We say that then spend our entire weekend not talking to our spouse or our kids and do what we want to do. We all set alone together in the same house.

It's time we step up and be what we were called to be. If we give a cup of water to the least of these we give it to God himself.

Zach and Abby's Baptism