We had a great first service. God has been so great, and prayers are being answered. We had close to 100 people in our first service. God confirmed so many things for us this week and we can't wait to see the exciting things that will take place within fuel church. Be in prayer as we move forward.
We have many prayers going forward:
Tithes and Offerings
Nursery and Children's Church Workers
We pray that we will touch lives every week
Pray for Mindy Sockey's Grandma who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
If you would like to add to these prayer request, please leave a comment. Stay in the word and pray daily for the new work. Not just for the staff, but pray for yourself and seek God's will that you will find your work within fuel church. There is work for all of us to do. Show excitement, witness to your friends and neighbors. Let the love of Christ overflow in your life daily.
I pray that you all have a very blessed week.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
As we began our new work, it is important to understand that we are the beginning foundation of a new work. It is important as we move forward to understand our role as believers. This week study tithing and pray about your finances. We are investing in souls, and if we only reach one it will be worth more than we can possibly give. But our goal is to reach many. I pray that God will bless your finances. Pray for our new work and for our staff. I am excited about what God is going to do. I can feel such an excitement in the work we have ahead of us. This must be how Nehemiah felt when he went back to rebuild the city. Everytime something new comes to Ft Smith, the talk begins very early on. "I wonder what they are building, when is it going to open, I can't wait to go there." We are giving people that excitement about a new work in Christ. We should be spreading the word and building excitement. May God Bless your week. Stay on your knee's, and keep your nose in the book. Anything you need to know, God will show you the way and give you the peace you so desire.
The tenth part; 1/10.
And all the TITHE of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD'S: it is holy unto the LORD. (Lev_27:30)
Tithe. The proportion of property, devoted to religious uses, from very early times. Instances of the use of tithes are found, prior to the appointment, of the Levitical tithes under the law. In biblical history, the two prominent instances are --
Abram presenting the tenth of all his property, or rather of the spoils of his victory, to Melchizedek. Gen_14:20; Heb_7:2; Heb_7:6.
Jacob, after his vision at Luz, devoting a tenth of all his property to God, in case, he should return home in safety. Gen_28:22.
The first enactment of the law, in respect of tithe, is the declaration that the tenth of all produce, as well as of flocks and cattle, belongs to Jehovah and must be offered to him; that the tithe was to be paid in kind, or, if redeemed, with an addition of one fifth to its value. Lev_27:30-33 . This tenth is ordered to be assigned to the Levites as the reward of their service, and it is ordered further thatm they are themselves to dedicate to the Lord a tenth of these receipts, which is to be devoted to the maintenance of the high priest. Num_18:21-28. This legislation is modified, or extended, in the book of Deuteronomy, that is, from thirty-eight to forty years later.
Commands are given to the people. -- To bring their tithes, together with their votive, and other offerings and first-fruits, to the chosen centre of worship, the metropolis, there to be eaten in festive celebration, in company with their children, their servants and the Levites. Deu_12:5-18.
All the produce of the soil was to be tithed; and these tithes, with the firstlings of the flock and herd, were to be eaten in the metropolis.
But in case of distance, permission is given to convert the produce into money, which is to be taken to the appointed place, and there laid out in the purchase of food for a festal celebration, in which the Levite is, by special command, to be included. Deu_14:22-27.
Then follows the direction that , at the end of three years, all the tithe of that year, is to be gathered and laid up, "within the gates," and that a festival is to be held, of which the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, together with the Levite, are to partake. Deu_5:28-29.
Lastly, it is ordered that after taking the tithe in each third year, "which is the year of tithing," an exculpatory declaration is to be made by every Israelite that he has done his best to fulfill the divine command, Deu_26:12-14.
From all this we gather --
(1) That one tenth of the whole produce of the soil was to be assigned for the maintenance of the Levites.
(2) That out of this the Levites were to dedicate a tenth to God for the use of the high priest.
(3) That a tithe, in all probability a second tithe, was to be applied to festival purposes.
(4) That in every third year, either this festival tithe or a third tenth was to be eaten in company with the poor and the Levites.
(These tithes in early times took the place of our modern taxes, us well as of gifts for the support of religious institutions. -- Editor).
The tenth part; 1/10.
And all the TITHE of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD'S: it is holy unto the LORD. (Lev_27:30)
Tithe. The proportion of property, devoted to religious uses, from very early times. Instances of the use of tithes are found, prior to the appointment, of the Levitical tithes under the law. In biblical history, the two prominent instances are --
Abram presenting the tenth of all his property, or rather of the spoils of his victory, to Melchizedek. Gen_14:20; Heb_7:2; Heb_7:6.
Jacob, after his vision at Luz, devoting a tenth of all his property to God, in case, he should return home in safety. Gen_28:22.
The first enactment of the law, in respect of tithe, is the declaration that the tenth of all produce, as well as of flocks and cattle, belongs to Jehovah and must be offered to him; that the tithe was to be paid in kind, or, if redeemed, with an addition of one fifth to its value. Lev_27:30-33 . This tenth is ordered to be assigned to the Levites as the reward of their service, and it is ordered further thatm they are themselves to dedicate to the Lord a tenth of these receipts, which is to be devoted to the maintenance of the high priest. Num_18:21-28. This legislation is modified, or extended, in the book of Deuteronomy, that is, from thirty-eight to forty years later.
Commands are given to the people. -- To bring their tithes, together with their votive, and other offerings and first-fruits, to the chosen centre of worship, the metropolis, there to be eaten in festive celebration, in company with their children, their servants and the Levites. Deu_12:5-18.
All the produce of the soil was to be tithed; and these tithes, with the firstlings of the flock and herd, were to be eaten in the metropolis.
But in case of distance, permission is given to convert the produce into money, which is to be taken to the appointed place, and there laid out in the purchase of food for a festal celebration, in which the Levite is, by special command, to be included. Deu_14:22-27.
Then follows the direction that , at the end of three years, all the tithe of that year, is to be gathered and laid up, "within the gates," and that a festival is to be held, of which the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, together with the Levite, are to partake. Deu_5:28-29.
Lastly, it is ordered that after taking the tithe in each third year, "which is the year of tithing," an exculpatory declaration is to be made by every Israelite that he has done his best to fulfill the divine command, Deu_26:12-14.
From all this we gather --
(1) That one tenth of the whole produce of the soil was to be assigned for the maintenance of the Levites.
(2) That out of this the Levites were to dedicate a tenth to God for the use of the high priest.
(3) That a tithe, in all probability a second tithe, was to be applied to festival purposes.
(4) That in every third year, either this festival tithe or a third tenth was to be eaten in company with the poor and the Levites.
(These tithes in early times took the place of our modern taxes, us well as of gifts for the support of religious institutions. -- Editor).
When should healing begin? My friend died a little over a month ago, as some of you know I felt responsible for not making him go to the doctor. You remember all of those God given signs I talked about in my blog "The Storm", all of the signs were there but I felt that with a little more time his symptoms would go away. I have been going to the cemetary every once and a while. I still try to blame myself for his death. So I guess I felt compelled to visit his grave often. I'm not that person. The person who visits the cemetary when someone dies. It always seemed pointless, it's not as if they are there. It's just a reminder of their life and their existance. For me it's a reminder of something I wished I would have done. Yesterday I decided I would not be going to the cemetary anymore. I can't heal if I am constantly wollowing around in guilt. Being at the cemetary does that for me. It's time for me to realize the storm is over, and despite the outcome, I did all that I could truly do outside of tie him down and drag him to the doctor. I don't even know that would have helped. My friends have done all the right things, my husband has said all the right things, my guilt is something that I will have to get rid of on my own. You truly learn who your real friends are when the storm is over. Through it all, a new friendship has risen, or maybe I should say that an old friendship has been revived. I am writing this to say, that I am ready to heal. I am tired of going through the rubble of the storm and trying to peice everything back together. Sometimes you have to bring a bulldozer and completely clear the rubble away, and realize that you have a life to live of your own. You can't live that life if you are constantly picking up the peices after the storm. This healing blog has a deeper meaning than just the loss of my friend. To all my friends, the storm is over and the healing can begin.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The Storm
The other day it was storming outside, and my little girl
says "mom, I think we may need to go to nanny's and get in
that thing that we have to get into when it's storming outside."
I told her that was not necessary, that Dad and I were watching
the storm ,and we are going to be OK, as long as we are inside
the house. It reminded me of the times I was a little girl.
Everytime a storm would come, we would pile into the cellar.
When I say pile into, I mean 3 or 4 family's in one tiny cellar.
I remember being scared but feeling the safety of the walls
around me and the people that surrounded me. We would often pray
for our friends and family we could not get in touch with, and hoped
they heeded the same warnings we did to protect themselves from the
storm. Warning signs are everywhere, first you have the God given signs
of darks clouds, thunder, lightening, strong winds, then come the man
made warnings of sirens, and T.V. and radio.
I remember the comforting sounds of my parents voices, as
they would tell us everything was going to be OK. When things seemed
a little calm, my dad would peek his head out of the storm door to
see if it was safe for us to come out. Sometimes he closed the door
and said, the storm is not over yet, the sirens are still sounding
and it seems like something is coming up just south of us. I remember
opening the storm cellar door after a tornado had went through. Even though
we were safe, you wondered what damage the storm had left behind. It
wasn't always pretty, but we had each other and God had his hand over us.
One thing I know for sure, the longer the storm and the more fierce the
storm,the worse the damage was that was left behind. The longer a twister is
on the ground, the more homes and lives it will destroy.
I say that to make my point. Some storms in our life are not ones that
have taken us by surprise. Warning signs were everywhere and we choose not
to heed the signs that were given. Some people choose to get caught up
in the storm instead of taking refuge from you it. Whatever storms are
in your life, God is your refuge and your strength and an ever present
help in the time of trouble. God is our refuge, as you will read Psalms 31.
If you are in the midst of a storm, it is not too late to pray for God's
says "mom, I think we may need to go to nanny's and get in
that thing that we have to get into when it's storming outside."
I told her that was not necessary, that Dad and I were watching
the storm ,and we are going to be OK, as long as we are inside
the house. It reminded me of the times I was a little girl.
Everytime a storm would come, we would pile into the cellar.
When I say pile into, I mean 3 or 4 family's in one tiny cellar.
I remember being scared but feeling the safety of the walls
around me and the people that surrounded me. We would often pray
for our friends and family we could not get in touch with, and hoped
they heeded the same warnings we did to protect themselves from the
storm. Warning signs are everywhere, first you have the God given signs
of darks clouds, thunder, lightening, strong winds, then come the man
made warnings of sirens, and T.V. and radio.
I remember the comforting sounds of my parents voices, as
they would tell us everything was going to be OK. When things seemed
a little calm, my dad would peek his head out of the storm door to
see if it was safe for us to come out. Sometimes he closed the door
and said, the storm is not over yet, the sirens are still sounding
and it seems like something is coming up just south of us. I remember
opening the storm cellar door after a tornado had went through. Even though
we were safe, you wondered what damage the storm had left behind. It
wasn't always pretty, but we had each other and God had his hand over us.
One thing I know for sure, the longer the storm and the more fierce the
storm,the worse the damage was that was left behind. The longer a twister is
on the ground, the more homes and lives it will destroy.
I say that to make my point. Some storms in our life are not ones that
have taken us by surprise. Warning signs were everywhere and we choose not
to heed the signs that were given. Some people choose to get caught up
in the storm instead of taking refuge from you it. Whatever storms are
in your life, God is your refuge and your strength and an ever present
help in the time of trouble. God is our refuge, as you will read Psalms 31.
If you are in the midst of a storm, it is not too late to pray for God's
Fuel Church
Our First Service will be
Sunday the 24th at 11 am
Baptist Student Union
at Carl Albert College
Poteau, OK
Come for a message and time of worship.
For directions and more information, please click on the Fuel Church
link to the right.
Sunday the 24th at 11 am
Baptist Student Union
at Carl Albert College
Poteau, OK
Come for a message and time of worship.
For directions and more information, please click on the Fuel Church
link to the right.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Taking refuge
It is good to know that I have a God who loved me before I was born, who accepted me as his child the day that I accepted him into my life. I have followed God's will through out my life, at times it has not been easy. Growing up I was one of those people who always tried to keep peace in my home. My parents did not get along very well in my early childhood years. I spent many days and years praying for them, what I found to be true is that I am not the peacemaker, God is. The day my Dad and I accepted Christ into our lives, peace came over our family. My parents were seperated, my dad called me one Wednesday Night and ask if I would go to church with him. My dad did not go to church, I typically went to church alone on the church bus, or with my mom. That night I went to church with him, and we accepted Christ into our lives. Then we were baptized together. It was my first and true baptizm, a day that changed the life of my family and brought us back together.
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be BAPTIZED every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. (Act_2:38-40)
The devil is attacking me today, and he is attacking me in every weak point I can imagine. I am doing what I know is best to do, pray and cling to scripture. I cannot be a peacemaker, only God can be the peacemaker. I am going to carry the last verse of the following scripture with me in the following week. I know that my God loves me and has confirmed his will in my life more than once. No matter what arrows may come against me, I know my God is fighting my battle. I know that my God is giving me the strength to fight the battles brought before me. I thank God for his goodness and grace.
Psa 64:1 For the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint: Preserve my life from fear of the enemy.
Psa 64:2 Hide me from the secret counsel of evil-doers, From the tumult of the workers of iniquity;
Psa 64:3 Who have whet their tongue like a sword, And have aimed their arrows, even bitter words,
Psa 64:4 That they may shoot in secret places at the perfect: Suddenly do they shoot at him, and fear not.
Psa 64:5 They encourage themselves in an evil purpose; They commune of laying snares privily; They say, Who will see them?
Psa 64:6 They search out iniquities; We have accomplished, say they, a diligent search: And the inward thought and the heart of every one is deep.
Psa 64:7 But God will shoot at them; With an arrow suddenly shall they be wounded.
Psa 64:8 So they shall be made to stumble, their own tongue being against them: All that see them shall wag the head.
Psa 64:9 And all men shall fear; And they shall declare the work of God, And shall wisely consider of his doing.
Psa 64:10 The righteous shall be glad in Jehovah, and shall take refuge in him; And all the upright in heart shall glory.
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be BAPTIZED every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. (Act_2:38-40)
The devil is attacking me today, and he is attacking me in every weak point I can imagine. I am doing what I know is best to do, pray and cling to scripture. I cannot be a peacemaker, only God can be the peacemaker. I am going to carry the last verse of the following scripture with me in the following week. I know that my God loves me and has confirmed his will in my life more than once. No matter what arrows may come against me, I know my God is fighting my battle. I know that my God is giving me the strength to fight the battles brought before me. I thank God for his goodness and grace.
Psa 64:1 For the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint: Preserve my life from fear of the enemy.
Psa 64:2 Hide me from the secret counsel of evil-doers, From the tumult of the workers of iniquity;
Psa 64:3 Who have whet their tongue like a sword, And have aimed their arrows, even bitter words,
Psa 64:4 That they may shoot in secret places at the perfect: Suddenly do they shoot at him, and fear not.
Psa 64:5 They encourage themselves in an evil purpose; They commune of laying snares privily; They say, Who will see them?
Psa 64:6 They search out iniquities; We have accomplished, say they, a diligent search: And the inward thought and the heart of every one is deep.
Psa 64:7 But God will shoot at them; With an arrow suddenly shall they be wounded.
Psa 64:8 So they shall be made to stumble, their own tongue being against them: All that see them shall wag the head.
Psa 64:9 And all men shall fear; And they shall declare the work of God, And shall wisely consider of his doing.
Psa 64:10 The righteous shall be glad in Jehovah, and shall take refuge in him; And all the upright in heart shall glory.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
Job 11:15 Surely then you will lift up your face without blemish; you will be secure and will not fear.
Job 11:16 You will forget your misery; you will remember it as waters that have passed away.
Job 11:17 And your life will be brighter than the noonday; its darkness will be like the morning.
Job 11:18 And you will feel secure, because there is hope; you will look around and take your rest in security.
This is for my friend, and you know who you are. There is always hope. One day, you will be able to lift your face, and find your life will be bright again. Even though it is hard to do right now, cling to the hope you are given. I know I am. I will never let go of hope. Sometimes I think it is all I have. I am determined to cling to that and I choose to never let go of it. Because life will bring us down, and in life will come sickness, pain, things we don't understand, things we don't feel that we deserve, people that will judge you when their lives are just as messed up as yours, people that will never understand that there is no big or little sin, people who cling to things that don't even matter, people who will befriend people over things they don't even understand. There will be days that we will feel like it is all we can do just to roll out of bed and search for a smile deep within. This is not the world Joel Olsteen says it is. Life is not always happy and good. But through Christ and friends, there is always hope and a peace that surpasses all understanding. Cling to this, you have friends that love you and are here for you, you have a God that is always good, and some how, and some way, he will see you through even the greatest trials, even when it seems the world is against you. Let your strong will and heart carry you through.
Job 11:16 You will forget your misery; you will remember it as waters that have passed away.
Job 11:17 And your life will be brighter than the noonday; its darkness will be like the morning.
Job 11:18 And you will feel secure, because there is hope; you will look around and take your rest in security.
This is for my friend, and you know who you are. There is always hope. One day, you will be able to lift your face, and find your life will be bright again. Even though it is hard to do right now, cling to the hope you are given. I know I am. I will never let go of hope. Sometimes I think it is all I have. I am determined to cling to that and I choose to never let go of it. Because life will bring us down, and in life will come sickness, pain, things we don't understand, things we don't feel that we deserve, people that will judge you when their lives are just as messed up as yours, people that will never understand that there is no big or little sin, people who cling to things that don't even matter, people who will befriend people over things they don't even understand. There will be days that we will feel like it is all we can do just to roll out of bed and search for a smile deep within. This is not the world Joel Olsteen says it is. Life is not always happy and good. But through Christ and friends, there is always hope and a peace that surpasses all understanding. Cling to this, you have friends that love you and are here for you, you have a God that is always good, and some how, and some way, he will see you through even the greatest trials, even when it seems the world is against you. Let your strong will and heart carry you through.
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