I want to thank all of you for your concerns about me. I know more than one person this past week has asked if I am doing OK. I want to thank you for your love and concern. I know I have not been myself lately, and my poor husband surely knows I have not been myself lately, and I want to apologize.
Life has changed so much for us in the last 4 months. My husband is now a pastor, and taking on the role of being a pastor's wife is far greater than I thought. I am by no means complaining, because I am truly blessed to have a husband that is following God's will and working diligently to MAN UP, and do what God is calling him to do. Along with the new found commitments of a new church, and if you have read my blogs, you will know that some personal family things have come about, I think I have been emotionally tired and physically drained. But we are fully committed to this ministry and what ever role that God is calling us to take on in this ministry.
What I want to thank you all mostly for, is realizing that I needed your thoughts and prayers, and you have lifted me up without anyone asking you to do so. It is simply amazing to be in a church full of people that show so much care and concern for one another. You will never know how much every one of you mean to me. Yes I know that I still have not learned all of your names, but that makes it all the more meaningful to me, because even though I may not "yet" have your names down, your care for me is still the same. I feel your prayers, and I have felt completely uplifted today.
I was so amazed and blessed by everyone that showed up Saturday Night and stayed until 12:30 or 1 am to help set up and then got up and came to church and stayed to take everything back down. That is so awesome and totally what it means to MAN UP. There are so many roles that need to be filled, and as we grow and new ministry area's start to form, we will need even more worker's. I pray for each of you as grow strong in the Lord, that you seek his will and that you will fulfill your role.
I was just talking to a friend on the phone, and God has revealed so much to her and her husband this weekend. They are so excited about what God is showing them, and what their role will be in Fuel Church. I love the fire that God is placing in this home, and everything that he is restoring within them. I shared with her a story that I read in the bible about how something that needed to be rebuilt, and they chose some Godly people who were not quite living their Godly ways to do the rebuilding. Isn't that awesome, that God still has plans for you even when you are completely screwed up. That he can still share those plans with you, cradle you in his arms and say, OK, it's time to start doing things right again. The bible is full of imperfect people that God used often. To my friends, I want to say that I am so excited to see how you both have grown and that you can hear God speaking to you audibly. Be patient, and know that God will show you the time those things will happen in your family.
The song that inspired my husband while we were hanging out and not living the way God wanted us to, is "Move Along" by All American Rejects. It's time to forget about the past, and just get up and move forward. We can't erase the past, but we can start building a better future. I don't know about you, but the devil can have my past, and I want to lay my future in God's hands. I stand amazed everyday to see what God is doing in Fuel Church.
Everyday you wake up, you get a chance to witness to someone, you get a chance to love your kids, you get a chance to do something for the cause of Christ, you get another chance to show your spouse how much you love them. The only past we need to focus on, is the fact that Christ died on the cross to erase our sin. Grace is good. Gods grace is the most amazing thing ever. Quit letting the Devil tell you that you are not worthy, quit letting the Devil tell you that God can't use you. He used Noah to save every living creature on the earth, knowing that Noah was going to screw up when it was all over. He called his disciples, knowing that they would not all be faithful and committed to him. Why would you think he cannot use you?
Something my husband has been reminding me of all week, is the fact that you do not feel worthy, probably confirms the fact that you are the man for the job. Because if we ever felt worthy of anything Christ has for us, we would make it about ourselves and not about the cause of Christ. Christ loves you as much as your parents love you or you love your kids. Actually his love is far greater than that. I know that if my kids mess up, I still encourage them to get back up and do better.
I love all of you at Fuel Church, I appreciate every e-mail, text, phone call, fixing our car, inviting us over for dinner, watching our kids, fixing our bikes, and for all of your prayers and overall love you show to our family.
Ryan and Christy, you might as well be a part of Fuel Church, you totally have put forth so many prayers for our church and listened to my husband on a weekly basis. You guys are awesome and I know you both will never know how much your friendship means to us.
To my husband, I thank you for putting up with me, even when I'm moody and completely wrong. You are my Boaz. You love me and respect me more than anyone ever has in my entire life. I am so proud of you, and your commitment to our family and to this church. You truly live a life that our kids can mimic. Also, to our kids who sometimes must stay up late and wake up early while we are taking care of church things, they are awesome. I love them very much and theexcitement they have for church and the people in the church.
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Zach and Abby's Baptism

1 comment:
Thanks for being "my person" and letting me be yours.
(I know that just sounded RETARDED to anyone else reading this, but I guess most inside jokes do!)
Seriously, though...thanks for listening today. I'm daily amazed at how close we've become with you and Matt. Thanks for encouraging us to follow where we know God is leading us, even when it seems unfamiliar.
P.S. Tell your kids to keep their crayons off my walls! J/K ;)
<>< Cara
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