Monday, June 30, 2008

"WHAT! you drink coffee during church?"

My pastor is going to love this one. I was sitting in the break room today, having a discussion about our move to the civic center. I am really not sure how we got into the discussion, but the a comment was made, " I suppose you eat donuts during church as well." I said, "We do have crystal light, coffee, and nutrigrain bars, and the occaisional muffins." The person replied, "WHAT! you drink coffee during church?" I replied, "yes, is that a problem? Is there a scripture in the bible that states Thou Shalt Not Drink Coffee while the Pastor Preaches?" They laughed and said no, but drinking coffee during church just isn't right. Once again, I began to search for the reasoning behind his statement and of course demanded scripture to back that up. My pastor has taught me well, demand scripture reference to any unreasonable answer someone may give. Surprisingly enough, no scripture was quoted.

Next question that came about, I suppose you drink alcohol at church as well. I said we are not Catholic, Alcohol is not permitted during church or fuel cells.

Next question that came about, What is a Fuel Cell? Bible Study groups at home, I replied.

It simply amazed me how many questions came about from the
that we drink coffee during church. Our concerns should be whether or not Johnny and Sally have food in their cabinets, does that co-worker know Christ, not whether or not we drink coffee during church. It's not like we are smoking Marijuana and handling snakes. Gee Whiz.... :)

The problem with todays society is that we spend more time on crap like whether or not it is OK to drink a cup of coffee while the pastor preaches, and not enough time asking what can we do to win more souls for Christ. I say, if we can drink coffee and win souls for Christ at once, all the more better.


Shane Waldrop said...

do you say "crap" at church??? Oh MY!!!

You go girl!!!

Fallon said...

Snakes?! Your faith is weak if you're not handling snakes. Here at LifeChurch Craig throws a snake or two into the audience regularly. Good times. As far as drinking coffee in church goes.......... I think far too many Christians have been rendered ineffective because they're worried about how people perceive them. I like to show people the freedom I have in Christ. Too many people view church as stuffy and boring. I think it's about time for an image change, and we need to begin by educating our believers as Shane does. Always ask for scripture to back something up. nothing makes me angrier than when someone has no idea why they believe what they believe. Anyways, end rant. =) See you next week!

Cara said...

If you were a fly on the brick of my house out back, these are some things you'd hear as your kids swim:

"Jessica Simpson to the rescue!"

"Cream Cola!"

"You pootied in the pants!"

"No, YOU pootied in the pants!"

"Okay, I did."

Just wanted to make you smile.

Zach and Abby's Baptism