For those who may be questioning my last blog, Matt and I have no plans of leaving. But I am going to say that I no longer want to place a brick wall before God. Up until now, the very thought of doing anything outside of my comfort zone was non existant. God has placed us in Fuel Church. Being where we are is something that my husband spent much time in prayer about, and felt with all of his heart that God was leading us to be a part of Fuel Church. I stand amazed at the work that God has began within this church. My prayer is not how to get people into Fuel Church, but how can we get Fuel Church out to the people. The people stepping in the Fuel Church doors are people that have already accepted Christ in their life, at least for the most part.
We have to realize our job is not to see how many people can get saved on Sunday morning. Sunday morning is a time for believers to come together, to fellowship together, and to give glory to God. The rest of the week is our work zone. We should be reaching the unreached, so that they too can come and be a part of our body of believers.
Have you looked around church lately. Not just our church, but any church. How many people are sitting there with very ragged, torn clothes? Not many, and do you know why? Because most people think that they cannot enter the church door's unless they look a certain way, or smell a certain way. I remember going to some one's house, it's been about a year ago. I remember the response the lady gave when she was invited to come to church. She said, "I don't have anything I can wear." Why do people think they need a new wardrobe to go to church? Probably because the church is NOT showing the love of Christ to those people.
Stepping out of your comfort zone, is so much more than just being willing to move if God asked you to. It is being willing to step into a house that may be crawling with roaches, so you can show the love of Christ to someone else. It is the willingness to then invite those same people to your house for dinner, and make them feel just as comfortable as everyone else you invite to dinner. So when I say that in the next year I want to step out of my comfort zone, I want to be willing to do whatever God wants me to do in whatever environment he wants me to do it in.
I can tell you right now, most people reading this are sitting in their nice air conditioned room, TV is probably on in the background. Someone is probably snacking on something, your fridge is somewhat full of food, at least you won't be doing without in the next day or two. Your life is more comfortable than so many people that live within 10 to 20 miles of your front door. Step out of the comfort zone, find out how to help someone else. Open up your home, to a small group. The bible tells us to have a banquet and invite the poor and the needy. Who have you invited to your home group? God is tired of the excuses, he knows your heart and he knows when you are flat out just being lazy and want everyone else to step up so you don't have to.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
What if God asked you..........
What if God asked you to drop everything and move? Change everything you know and are familiar with to follow God's will. Only a few would say yes. Matt and I have had that same discussion this week. I wish we were financially stable enough to go to Massachusetts's with Ryan and Christy, is what he said. My stomach turned a few times, because I love being around my family. They are good to my kids, they are always there if we need them, we are always there for them if they need us. We are 8 years into a 30 year mortgage, and well on our way to owning our house. I know it's not a big house, but it is our house and almost 1/3 of the way into owning it. I kept asking myself could I really make that sacrifice? Would I truly be able to pack up everything, and move hours away from a place I have lived in for 34 years? I find myself truly thinking about this.
Here is the kicker, I had just finished reading a chapter in Francis Chan's book, asking that very same question. How deep is your love for Christ? Going to church or reading your bible should not be a chore. Helping people in need should not be a chore. The bible explains that what you do for someone, even if you give them a drink of water, it is like you are reaching out and giving a drink to Christ. How many times have we looked Christ in the face, and turned our heads, unwilling to share what we own, unwilling to feed the hungry, unwilling to move if God asked you to do so. How much do you truly love Christ? Anyway, that evening, my husband asked if I had read Ryan's blog. I said no, I will read it right now. Ryan's dream life would be that Matt and I would serve with them in the ministry, along with a long list of friends. You can read his blog if you like (mercyhouseryan). How crazy is that, I just read the book a few hours before, now there is a blog mentioning what life would be like if we are in Massachussete's with Ryan and Christy.
I found myself at a stand still. I think I love Christ with all of my heart, but would I be able to show my love for him by moving if he asked me to? It truly humbled me to stop and think about all that I had just taken in. I know lately I have been thinking about that very idea. My problem is that I am so set on God using me right here, so that I can be comfortable, in my nice comfortable home, around all of the comforts of family and friends, around everything that I am familiar with. Where is my faith? I don't believe that it is something I need as much in my very familiar surroundings.
Our friends Ryan and Christy, wow, what love you have for Christ? For so many years I thought you were running from life, but instead you are embracing your love for Christ. Your willingness to go where comfort is not, it blessed my heart. I admire the depth of your love for Christ. I admire your willingness to follow God's will, no matter how far it takes you, no matter what obstacles stand in your way. I have such a great understanding of what you guys do, and pray that I too will be more open to God's will in my life. I never realized what a brick wall I had set before God. My desire is to open all doors before Christ, to be willing to follow his will at all costs.
Our prayers are with our friends as they journey to Massachusetts's. Be in prayer, they need to sell their house in Virginia very quickly. Also pray, that any brick walls you have set before God will fall. How will you express your love for Christ this year, or even this week?
Here is the kicker, I had just finished reading a chapter in Francis Chan's book, asking that very same question. How deep is your love for Christ? Going to church or reading your bible should not be a chore. Helping people in need should not be a chore. The bible explains that what you do for someone, even if you give them a drink of water, it is like you are reaching out and giving a drink to Christ. How many times have we looked Christ in the face, and turned our heads, unwilling to share what we own, unwilling to feed the hungry, unwilling to move if God asked you to do so. How much do you truly love Christ? Anyway, that evening, my husband asked if I had read Ryan's blog. I said no, I will read it right now. Ryan's dream life would be that Matt and I would serve with them in the ministry, along with a long list of friends. You can read his blog if you like (mercyhouseryan). How crazy is that, I just read the book a few hours before, now there is a blog mentioning what life would be like if we are in Massachussete's with Ryan and Christy.
I found myself at a stand still. I think I love Christ with all of my heart, but would I be able to show my love for him by moving if he asked me to? It truly humbled me to stop and think about all that I had just taken in. I know lately I have been thinking about that very idea. My problem is that I am so set on God using me right here, so that I can be comfortable, in my nice comfortable home, around all of the comforts of family and friends, around everything that I am familiar with. Where is my faith? I don't believe that it is something I need as much in my very familiar surroundings.
Our friends Ryan and Christy, wow, what love you have for Christ? For so many years I thought you were running from life, but instead you are embracing your love for Christ. Your willingness to go where comfort is not, it blessed my heart. I admire the depth of your love for Christ. I admire your willingness to follow God's will, no matter how far it takes you, no matter what obstacles stand in your way. I have such a great understanding of what you guys do, and pray that I too will be more open to God's will in my life. I never realized what a brick wall I had set before God. My desire is to open all doors before Christ, to be willing to follow his will at all costs.
Our prayers are with our friends as they journey to Massachusetts's. Be in prayer, they need to sell their house in Virginia very quickly. Also pray, that any brick walls you have set before God will fall. How will you express your love for Christ this year, or even this week?
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Strip away your pride and die to yourself......
I too have been reading the book "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. There is so much to absorb. I have just completed chapter 2, and I just want to dig deeper in. You can go to this website ( to find out more about this book. There is a video that goes with every chapter of the book.
I just want to say, where is our humbleness? How much do we truly care about other people or reaching people for Christ. I sat down with my kids last night and asked them this question, what have you done to help someone else today? Not that I want them to brag or be prideful, but I want to change their way of thinking. Tonight when I ask them this same question, they will probably say they forgot. If continue to ask them and encourage them to be servants to other people, I hope that their stories about what they did for someone today will ever increase. We are only promised now, we are not promised tomorrow, we can't change yesterday, but I can focus on one day at time. If I ask them this question and I expect them to answer in a servant hearted manner, I need to be prepared to share my own stories. I need to be prepared to be a good example to my kids.
If someone came up to you right now and said, what can you do to help someone else, what would your answer be? Better yet, what if you were in neeed, and everyone else was more wrapped up in nice clothes, cable tv, new cars, and video games. What if your child was starving, and the people around you abounded in much and never took the time, or was willing to give up their luxieries to help you with the necessities. It's time to stop thinking you are something, and become nothing. God does not care about your social status. God does not care if you think you have finally arrived.
He does care if you shed your pride, God hates pride, and if it's in you, you need to get rid of it. Pride is having fancy phones, more of a house than what we need, expensive clothes, and just thinking that you are more important than anyone else. God does not care if you are the Pastor of 5000, or if you are a homeless guy on the side of the road. If you are not humble and seeking his will, and doing whatever you can do to change lives and show the love of Christ, then what is the purpose of what you are doing?
When are we as a church going to become all things to all people? When are we as Christ followers going to shed our pride and quit caring about being tired, and start focusing on meeting the needs of the people around us. Lazy people are my pet peeve. Every church has a list of things people can do, but too many people want to just sit in the pew. The church will never become all that God needs it to be, unless we get up off our behinds, and make it our home (as my dad would say).
We need more fuel cells. We cannot meet the needs of 150 people in five fuel cells. It doesn't matter who you are, but your goal should be to become disciples of Christ. So if you are going to fuel church, I pray that first you pray about whether or not fuel church is your home, if it is I pray that you join. If you are a member of fuel church, the first need you need to meet, is that of your family. They need to be in a fuel cell. This is the place where we truly become family and begin to meet the needs of each other. If you are a member and in a fuel cell, be in prayer about starting one at your home. If you can at least open up the doors to your home, we can have someone come and teach the class in your home until you are comfortable to do it on your own.
Like Ryan said on Sunday, it's time to start planning your life around a fuel cell. My husband and I both have a 40 hour a week work schedule, and we truly understand being tired. But being a part of a fuel cell or teaching a fuel cell, should not be a chore, it should a time of refreshing. A time to get together with other christ followers, who become a family to you. Being able to open up and have people open up to you. I miss people when they don't show up, we call each other in the middle of the week, we babysit for each other, we check on each other when things are going on in our lives. (being all things to all people) They are such an important part of our lives, and I am blessed to be able to share my life with these people. If you are teaching a fuel cell or you are thinking about teaching a fuel cell, and your schedule is pretty open, pick a night that best fits the people your fuel cell may attract. Be all things to all people. Josh's group has about 40 people on Sunday Nights. We have several people in our church that work nights in the week, or travel out of town for work and Sunday Night is the only night they can attend a fuel cell. Be in prayer for our fuel cells.
We love you all, and we are so blessed to have an awesome church family. You have stepped up in so many ways. I can't begin to tell you how much everything seen and unseen is appreciated, and you are touching lives in everything you do.
Have a blessed week.
I just want to say, where is our humbleness? How much do we truly care about other people or reaching people for Christ. I sat down with my kids last night and asked them this question, what have you done to help someone else today? Not that I want them to brag or be prideful, but I want to change their way of thinking. Tonight when I ask them this same question, they will probably say they forgot. If continue to ask them and encourage them to be servants to other people, I hope that their stories about what they did for someone today will ever increase. We are only promised now, we are not promised tomorrow, we can't change yesterday, but I can focus on one day at time. If I ask them this question and I expect them to answer in a servant hearted manner, I need to be prepared to share my own stories. I need to be prepared to be a good example to my kids.
If someone came up to you right now and said, what can you do to help someone else, what would your answer be? Better yet, what if you were in neeed, and everyone else was more wrapped up in nice clothes, cable tv, new cars, and video games. What if your child was starving, and the people around you abounded in much and never took the time, or was willing to give up their luxieries to help you with the necessities. It's time to stop thinking you are something, and become nothing. God does not care about your social status. God does not care if you think you have finally arrived.
He does care if you shed your pride, God hates pride, and if it's in you, you need to get rid of it. Pride is having fancy phones, more of a house than what we need, expensive clothes, and just thinking that you are more important than anyone else. God does not care if you are the Pastor of 5000, or if you are a homeless guy on the side of the road. If you are not humble and seeking his will, and doing whatever you can do to change lives and show the love of Christ, then what is the purpose of what you are doing?
When are we as a church going to become all things to all people? When are we as Christ followers going to shed our pride and quit caring about being tired, and start focusing on meeting the needs of the people around us. Lazy people are my pet peeve. Every church has a list of things people can do, but too many people want to just sit in the pew. The church will never become all that God needs it to be, unless we get up off our behinds, and make it our home (as my dad would say).
We need more fuel cells. We cannot meet the needs of 150 people in five fuel cells. It doesn't matter who you are, but your goal should be to become disciples of Christ. So if you are going to fuel church, I pray that first you pray about whether or not fuel church is your home, if it is I pray that you join. If you are a member of fuel church, the first need you need to meet, is that of your family. They need to be in a fuel cell. This is the place where we truly become family and begin to meet the needs of each other. If you are a member and in a fuel cell, be in prayer about starting one at your home. If you can at least open up the doors to your home, we can have someone come and teach the class in your home until you are comfortable to do it on your own.
Like Ryan said on Sunday, it's time to start planning your life around a fuel cell. My husband and I both have a 40 hour a week work schedule, and we truly understand being tired. But being a part of a fuel cell or teaching a fuel cell, should not be a chore, it should a time of refreshing. A time to get together with other christ followers, who become a family to you. Being able to open up and have people open up to you. I miss people when they don't show up, we call each other in the middle of the week, we babysit for each other, we check on each other when things are going on in our lives. (being all things to all people) They are such an important part of our lives, and I am blessed to be able to share my life with these people. If you are teaching a fuel cell or you are thinking about teaching a fuel cell, and your schedule is pretty open, pick a night that best fits the people your fuel cell may attract. Be all things to all people. Josh's group has about 40 people on Sunday Nights. We have several people in our church that work nights in the week, or travel out of town for work and Sunday Night is the only night they can attend a fuel cell. Be in prayer for our fuel cells.
We love you all, and we are so blessed to have an awesome church family. You have stepped up in so many ways. I can't begin to tell you how much everything seen and unseen is appreciated, and you are touching lives in everything you do.
Have a blessed week.
Monday, July 14, 2008
This is for my friend....
Sometimes there are not enough words to comfort those who are hurting or to help someone find peace about the road they are about to follow. Sometimes life just sucks. This isn't new, it is life. As you read through the bible, time and time again there is hurt, sorrow, and death. But there is also, comfort, hope, peace, love,and vision. The first person I always think of is Job. I can't imagine losing everything I have and still being able to stand strong.
During a bible study a friend once stated, I don't know if I could still go to church if my wife was taken from me. I remember looking at him and saying, how could you not? I would never want to endure search a hurt, or loss in my life without Christ. I have close friends that lost a child in a car accident, it literally tore apart their family because they did not seek the comfort of Christ. If you have read my blogs, you know my Aunt lost her husband a few months ago. The hurt is deep and the pain is almost unbearable, but she gives glory to God for seeing her through each and every day.
Life is short, I don't care how old you are, Life is short. I just spent the week, on vacation with my family. We did not have money to take a nice vacation somewhere, with little cash in our pockets, we had the most wonderful time together. I caught myself staring my children, and my husband and a big smile would come across my face. I felt so blessed to have that time with them.
If you have lost someone, don't give up hope on yourself. Enjoy the family and friendships that surround you. If someone you know is hanging from a thread, don't give up hope and enjoy every second that God has given you with them. As my husband and I stood in a hospital room, we watched our friend Jerry as he stood beside his wife. His hand was holding tightly to hers, and he gently wiped the tears from both their faces. He continously told her over and over how much he loved her, and to hold on and keep fighting. As long as we have breath in our lungs their is hope. But if she was to die today, it would not be without knowing how much her husband truly loved her.
Jerry, I know you are reading this, one of my favorite verses is "To live is Christ, to die is gain." Your beautiful wife lived as Christ wanted her to live, and when she goes home to be with him, she has gained a home far more beautiful than you and I could ever imagine. But as long as she breathes, we will continue to believe that God can touch her. No matter what happens, remain close to Christ.
Cara, it has been a rough week for you, but look what God has shown you this week. Wow. You have come a long way from that little baby in a hospital. Could you have ever imagined having so many people that surround you and smother you with love. God is good. He will guide you through getting to know your sisters, and helping you with the loss of one.
Christy, the journey ahead is not easy. But God is going to bless you and your family. I am amazed at your faithfulness to follow Gods will at all cost. I admire you with all of my heart. It's OK to be scared, just know that God will provide all of your needs.
Matt, I just want to say, I love you more than anything. My time spent with you and the kids this week was simply amazing. I feel so blessed to have someone like you in my life. Someone who is humble, seeks God, and leads his family in the way they should go. You are an amazing person.
During a bible study a friend once stated, I don't know if I could still go to church if my wife was taken from me. I remember looking at him and saying, how could you not? I would never want to endure search a hurt, or loss in my life without Christ. I have close friends that lost a child in a car accident, it literally tore apart their family because they did not seek the comfort of Christ. If you have read my blogs, you know my Aunt lost her husband a few months ago. The hurt is deep and the pain is almost unbearable, but she gives glory to God for seeing her through each and every day.
Life is short, I don't care how old you are, Life is short. I just spent the week, on vacation with my family. We did not have money to take a nice vacation somewhere, with little cash in our pockets, we had the most wonderful time together. I caught myself staring my children, and my husband and a big smile would come across my face. I felt so blessed to have that time with them.
If you have lost someone, don't give up hope on yourself. Enjoy the family and friendships that surround you. If someone you know is hanging from a thread, don't give up hope and enjoy every second that God has given you with them. As my husband and I stood in a hospital room, we watched our friend Jerry as he stood beside his wife. His hand was holding tightly to hers, and he gently wiped the tears from both their faces. He continously told her over and over how much he loved her, and to hold on and keep fighting. As long as we have breath in our lungs their is hope. But if she was to die today, it would not be without knowing how much her husband truly loved her.
Jerry, I know you are reading this, one of my favorite verses is "To live is Christ, to die is gain." Your beautiful wife lived as Christ wanted her to live, and when she goes home to be with him, she has gained a home far more beautiful than you and I could ever imagine. But as long as she breathes, we will continue to believe that God can touch her. No matter what happens, remain close to Christ.
Cara, it has been a rough week for you, but look what God has shown you this week. Wow. You have come a long way from that little baby in a hospital. Could you have ever imagined having so many people that surround you and smother you with love. God is good. He will guide you through getting to know your sisters, and helping you with the loss of one.
Christy, the journey ahead is not easy. But God is going to bless you and your family. I am amazed at your faithfulness to follow Gods will at all cost. I admire you with all of my heart. It's OK to be scared, just know that God will provide all of your needs.
Matt, I just want to say, I love you more than anything. My time spent with you and the kids this week was simply amazing. I feel so blessed to have someone like you in my life. Someone who is humble, seeks God, and leads his family in the way they should go. You are an amazing person.
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