I think everyone has a time in their life
in which they have said or done something
they shouldn't have. Making a mends is one
of the hardest things I think any us can
ever do. I know it is for me, because I don't
like to admit that I'm wrong.
We are people of pride and honor, and
making a mends typically means someone has
to admit to making a mistake. What you should
realize is that when that person comes to you, and
comes to you before you go to them, they are
humbling themselves before you. They are the
ones that humbled themselves to come to you, and
take blame. Most likely it's not even all of their
fault or might not be their fault at all.
We should not make that hard for anyone to do.
I'm thankful that God doesn't make that hard for
me to do. I know that I'm guilty of making it
hard for someone else to do to me. Then I tend to
guard my heart a little closer, not truly trust
that person the way I used to.
Time and time again I have heard a
pastor say that we tend to think that God is
waiting there to strike us down with lightning
every time we do something wrong. What if God
guarded his heart the way I guard mine? He took
the punishment for my sins, and we can't accept
an apology and give people the chance to move
But he's not, he loves us with a love far greater
than any love we can imagine or even truly
feel ourselves. When you come to Christ, humbly,
and asking for forgiveness, I can only imagine the
overwhelming joy in his heart. We expect Christ
to do that for us, but we don't think we should
do it for anyone else.
I wonder how Christ feels when he sees someone
come before us with a humble, forgiving heart, and
we lay down guide lines for the way things are
going to work if we are going to forgive. Do you
think he looks at us and shakes his head, and says
the only guide lines I have for you is to love your
neighbor as you love yourself and love Jesus. I don't
think we would set guidelines for our self, the way
we set guidelines for other people.
Christ says all we have to do is believe in him, and
we will have eternal life. WOW! I think it's time
to quit setting guidelines, accept forgiveness,
and move forward in our relationships.For those
asking for forgiveness, once you have asked, you
are free from whatever is holding you down. Those
that choose not to forgive you, they will have
to answer to God.
Let the New Year be a year of forgiveness, whether
it be asking or granting. Let's love people the way
Christ loves us. We all screw up, we should
understand that if we want to be forgiven we have
to first forgive.
I hope you all have a Happy New Year.
I am blessed with so many great friends
and loved ones. I wish you all the best, and
thank you for your love and friendship.
Love Angie Duke
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