I was listening to Rick Warren on C-Span today and was amazed at his simplicity and humbleness. He wrote a book called Purpose Driven Life, in which most of us probably own. It has sold more copies than any book ever, and is written in more languages than any book other than the bible. This book has made Rick Warren a wealthy man. However, he chooses to live in the same house he has lived in for 16 years, he chooses to wear a watch he bought at Wal-Mart, and he chooses to drive a 10 year old Ford Truck. He also chooses to no longer receive a salary from his church, and he paid back to his church 25 years of the salary they paid to him. As if that is not enough, he now tithes not 10 not 20 not even 30 percent, but he tithes 90 percent of what he makes and lives off of 10. Not to mention the charities that he has started to help other people. He reminds me a little of Rich Mullins, only Rich Mullins sold everything he owned.
Why did they do this? Because they did not want to be consumed by materialism. They did not want to take away from what they could give to someone else to further the work of Christ. Francis Chan is another great preacher that lives a very simple life. He to in reverse of the world, he chose to down size his house, and move into something smaller rather than something bigger. He chooses to only accept a salary of about $36,000 a year, from a church that takes in millions. Why, because every penny that he doesn't consume on useless things, helps further the work of Christ. Helps feed the hungry, and reach out to people in need.
What kind of life are you choosing to live. I admit I have chosen some pretty stupid things. I did not need to go out and eat at Chili's today. God has blessed my pantry to be full of food, how many people could I have fed just by choosing to not go out and eat. Some people choose to buy things far nicer than what they actually need to get the job done. How many lives are being neglected so we can have a $50 shirt from A & F, when you can get a shirt for $15 somewhere else. How much do you really need a $400 cell phone. It's real easy to waste money when the people that need it more than you need to look good, is not sitting right in your face. How many people are we stepping over, and over looking, so we can buy something that makes us look cool.
What if Christ overlooked you because he really wanted that 70 inch plasma TV. I guess that sounds pretty silly when you say it like that. Of course Christ would never care more for a TV or a Cell Phone, more than he cares for us. So why do we think he wants us to act any different? Food is food, when I was a kid we didn't eat at restaurants or even fast food for that matter. If we did, we did it maybe once a month. When we did do it, we appreciated it, unlike people today. Today eating out is normal. Some people even eat out every day of the week. I admit, I am guilty, but God has been speaking to me today. I need to change some things in my life. I need to spend less on stupid stuff, and give more to God. If you don't think you can do it, your wrong. You can do it, it's just about whether you choose to do it or not.
I want to be a Rich Mullins, I want to be a Francis Chan, I want to be more like Jesus. Don't YOU? It's time we shed the arrogance in our lives, and put on the armour of God. It's time to quit saying, I really wish I could do more, and just do more. It is easier for a humble man to win souls to Christ than an arrogant one. People watch you more than you think. What do you think they see when they watch you?
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Nicely put
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