October 8, 1988 a little girl was born. She was beautiful, and perfect in every way. She had beautiful brown hair, and tiny little fingers. If I remember correctly, she had a birth mark on the back her neck. A birth mark that my family claims as the "Erwin" mark. Many of our family members have the same birth mark on the back of their head just around the neck line. She was the first of six niece's and nephew's on my side of the family.
I was just a child myself when she was born. I was only 15 years old. I did not miss one part of the pregnancy. I was able to go to doctor's visits with her mom. In some small way, I was a part of that baby growing inside of her belly, at least as much as I could be. I was so excited. I remember the day she was born. We waited impatiently in the waiting room. My brother, who was only 18 at the time, I had never seen him so nervous. He was this skinny little kid, and I remember as he pulled open the doors to the maternity ward, he nearly passed out. Before we knew, this beautiful baby was born.
Her mom ended up having to stay in the hospital for 3 weeks. She had a high fever that would not break, and the doctor's could not figure out what was wrong. My dad loved her like a daughter, and he worried about her. So much, that I remember his little chat with the doctor's in the hallway, that he wanted to know what was wrong with her and they already wasted too much time figuring it out. By the time Sandy came home, she was back down to her normal size, as if she had never been pregnant.
My niece lived with us for a few short months. My heart became deeply attached to that precious little girl. More so than I ever could have imagined. I helped take care of her when Sandy was working, I helped her with over night feedings. I became very attached to this precious little baby.
I wish I could share with you everything I know about her life, but for me, that is all of the life I was blessed to know. Even though I may not have seen her first steps, or heard about her first day of school, I can't even tell you about her 16th birthday. But I remembered her everyday of my life. I prayed for her daily, and the love I have her lies deep within my heart. The circumstances that prevented me from knowing her, were not ones that a 15 year old girl could change. But no circumstance on earth, could change the love I have her. Nothing could ever stop me from praying for her, caring for her, and hoping that one day she will want to know this person that loves her so much.
Tonight, that baby girl became a woman. A woman that is now wife. Today was her wedding day. I can't believe that 20 years have gone by, and all I can share with you is her birth story. I had hoped to see her in her beautiful dress. This is her special day. I prayed for her today, I prayed that this day was everything she had ever dreamed of. I prayed that God has given her man that will love her, and cherish her, and make her feel as though she is the most important and most beautiful woman on the face of the earth. I may not have been there, but I thought of her all day today.
I opened up my facebook, and someone had posted a picture of her from tonight. She looked amazing. Her dress was strapless, simple, yet elegant. Her hair was beautiful, it looked as though she had a little curl on the sides. A tear began to roll down my face. I hate everyday that I miss another day of her life. As one tear fell, several more began to follow. I'm so happy for her. I wish she could know the love I have for her in my heart. I pray that she is blessed with a wonderful life. I will never give up. As my daughter has taught me this week, it just takes a little faith and little prayer. I will never give up on one day being a part of her very special life.
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