In our home groups we have been discussing life with only 30 days to live. This week God has brought many people into my life. The first person is a vendor that comes into my store every other week. She lost her husband a few months ago after he had a 4 year battle with cancer. I felt truly bad that I did not know of her loss until now, but she has never spoken of it before. I don't know how the conversation came about this week, our typical conversations are about her new grand baby. I began to realize not only did I not know about her husbands death because she had not spoken of it before, but also because she always has a smile on her face. I don't remember a day that she has come to visit with me that she wasn't smiling and just enjoying the new grand baby. She always has photo's to show, she truly loves her kids and grand kid. She spoke of how God has gotten her through.
The next person that God brought into my life this week was a customer, and her name is Diann. She was very friendly, we talked for 15 to 30 minutes in the isle. She has colon cancer, she was diagnosed in 2005 shortly after her mother died of pancreatic cancer. She had no idea, her doctor had been treating her for ulcers due to the stress of her mother, and because the medication was not working he sent her to a specialist. She had surgery in 2005, the cancer had already moved to the liver and she continues chemotherapy today. In her words, not so much to get rid of the cancer but basically to keep it from spreading any further. She explained to me that her husband had also been diagnosed with colon cancer, and gave God many praises that they caught his in time and he is doing well. As she began to walk off I asked her name, and she said Diann, and I said to her that I would keep her in my prayers. She said that it is Gods grace that has brought her through this and she clings to God daily. She did not say that sadly, she said it with joy in her heart and in her voice. She thanked me for her prayers and walked away.
The next person is not someone that was just brought into my life, it was my uncle. My phone rang at 3:30 am, and my heart was racing as I picked up the phone. He passed away yesterday morning around 3 am. He and my Aunt Patsy had been married for 42 years. He was the best man at my parents wedding. Everyday I drive past his house on my way to pick up my kids, he is typically outside on the porch swing. I can see him right now, he would always lift his hands to wave as you went by, even if he didn't know who you were. He was always full of laughter and silly jokes and he did not have to know you to cut up with you. I don't think he knew a stranger. If you truly want to know how many lives a person can touch, attend a funeral. Or stop by my Aunt's house today, because people flooded in all day yesterday. Each with their own stories about Uncle Leon, there were tears and laughter, flowers and food, and heartfelt friendships grieving with their friends and family members.
My Uncle was only 67, nobody knew that yesterday would be his last day. My aunt did not know that when she went to wake him up, that he would not respond. I listened to her as she cried and talked to him at the funeral home yesterday. Her love for him was so deep, and she kept repeating how badly she was hurting inside. She kept saying that it was so hard, why did it have to be so hard. As each person went up, the words my daddy, my pa, my uncle, my friend, went out. All were crying and all missed him dearly and they were all hurting deeply. I stood beside my daddy with his arms wrapped around me and my tears streaming down my face as I watched. My dad and his brothers held her hand, they held her as she walked, they spoke words of comfort, at least the best they could. Just being there was probably more comforting than anything. As a church we often forget that. It's our job to hold the hands of hurting people, it's our jobs to speak words of comfort, it's our job to check on them and to just show them love.
Cindy Grizzle was there yesterday. My cousin Trish was her best friend. Cindy has been down this road before. I called her yesterday morning on my way to work, knowing she needed to know. Cindy showed God's love all evening, she never left my cousins side. She fixed her plate, she waited on her kids and the other family members, she held her hand. It's not about the words, it's about a servants heart. I know that my cousin will never forget that as long as she lives. That is what showing God's love is all about.....being a servant. It meant so much to me as well to have her there yesterday. It meant so much to me that Cara called and for some reason I had been in her thoughts all day. She did not know that my Uncle had passed, but God had placed me on her heart. We talked on the phone, and she too offered to come and sit with us or take care of our kids. Once again, the love of God was shining through.
I really loved my Uncle. I can see that he was really loved by a lot of people. A year ago, I wanted to learn how to play the guitar. He is very instrumental, so I went to ask for his assistance. I felt very humble before someone so experienced. But he was willing to help. Too bad I gave up so soon. He left his legacy in his daughter and his grand kids. I know they will always think of him and what he taught them every time they play and sing. I told my cousin yesterday, not too many people had a stage built in their front yard. Uncle Leon would have concerts in his front yard, he truly enjoyed music. Not just his music, but he also took time to listen to his friends and other family members sing and play. He was always asking me to come to church and sing another special. He had invited us to go with him and Patsy to hear my cousin Blake sing.
What I want to say about each of these people, is that I can see God in them. Through the smiles, and even in the hurt, the one thing that remained constant was they all knew that God would get them through. They all knew that God was going to take care of them, even in the hurt. But even in the hurt that I know is in each one of them, I could see a peace that surpasses all understanding. As I sat around yesterday visiting with family and friends, I realized what an impact that one person can make in their lifetime. What legacy will you leave behind? How will you be remembered? Are people there because you are the person that led them to Christ? Are people there because you gave them food when they had nothing to eat? Are people there because they had a close relationship with you? The day of your funeral truly says a lot about who you were and the lives you touched.
We don't know how many days we have. It doesn't matter what age you are, everyday could be the last. Monday is my husbands birthday, and I have tried very hard not to push that aside during this weekend. Out of love for me, my husband says that birthdays come every year and not to worry about him. I replied, no they don't. We have to enjoy them now, because we may not have another. I am very thankful for my family. When I say my family, I mean all of my family. My husband, my kids, my parents, my aunts and uncles, cousins, and my new family... fuel church. I am very blessed to have been apart of so many lives.
As I left my Aunt's house last night, or actually as anyone left last night, No one missed a hug or an I love you before they walked out the door. It took a little longer to leave, but it was that sense of I don't want to miss my chance. I pray that you don't miss your chance. As you walk about today, don't miss the I love yous or the hugs, don't put off another day of picking up the phone and inviting your friends and family to church, don't wait for someone else to take care of that family who needs food on their table. This could be your last, so make it count.
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Zach and Abby's Baptism

1 comment:
Hey girl,
I am so sorry to hear about your Uncle. About a year ago, my Uncle also passed away. I flew in to help do his funeral and it was difficult, but somehow freeing to know that the Gospel was proclaimed. We love you and are praying for you.
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