God has really been speaking to me a lot this week. So many amazing things are going on. Our new church is growing, we are already starting to see God changing lives in the area. It is awesome to be able to come together with a group of believers that are like minded in spirit and belief. The past few weeks God has truly shown me what he can do with a body of believers that have the same vision. I stand amazed about how this group of people were brought together. I could sit and tell the stories that I know, but the amazing part is truly not the stories themselves, but it is listening to people speak about how God brought them to where they are. The little details about how God started leading them to this place, long before this place even existed. God has a specific work for this body of believers, and we continue to seek God's will for our church. I am not saying that we are special, I think God has a specific work for every body of believers. Through different styles of music, and preaching styles and practices, every body of believers should be able to reach different groups of people. That is truly what all christians should strive to do. We are not in competition with one another, we should praise God that each group of believers are reaching souls for Christ.
What God is truly telling me, is that it is time to leave some things behind. I have spent at least 13 years in one area of ministry and I would love to move on to something new and exciting. Some area of ministry that will spark a fire within me. However, in a new work, even in an old work, there comes a time when you must first step up to the responsibilities and needs at hand. I should not seek to do something new so that it will spark a fire in me, but I should strive to do whatever God wants me to do so that Christ working in me can spark a fire among lost souls or new believers. If you have been in church for very many years at all, it sometimes becomes a game of who can we pass this off on because I don't want to do it. Or the ever so popular, I have done this for years it's someone else's turn.
I am glad that my Jesus never wanted to stop being Jesus because his turn is up. I am glad that my Jesus never tires of answering prayers, and listening to all my trouble. Because if you think about all of the crap he must have to hear in just an hours time, he must be Jesus, anyone else who had to listen to that would eventually be on medication for depression or anxiety. That is what is awesome about Christ. He never gets tired of listening to me, he never tires of listening to my prayers, if anything he wants me to pray more. He probably does get tired of the sin, but he never gives up on you.
I believe that God has a great work for each of us. So what, if we have to teach a class until the right person comes in to teach. So what if we have to work the nursery for the 10th year running, so what if you have to pick up a rag, a mop, and fill the toilet paper, so what if you make the coffee. Quit worrying about what everyone else is not doing, don't brag on what you are doing, and just glory in the worship you are having with God while you are doing it. Blessings will come. You will be amazed of how Christ can work through you just by living the right life. Just by doing what needs to be done. If you don't believe me, you will just have to figure that out on your own. God will honor your good works, as long as it is done with the right heart.
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Zach and Abby's Baptism

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