(I am using the ESV version)
Read Proverbs 5:15-23 (mark the words adulteress(strange or forbidden woman), the lord, iniquities (sin) in your bible.)Pro 5:15 Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water from your own well.
Pro 5:16 Should your springs be scattered abroad, streams of water in the streets?
Pro 5:17 Let them be for yourself alone, and not for strangers with you.
Pro 5:18 Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth,
Pro 5:19 a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love.
Pro 5:20 Why should you be intoxicated, my son, with a forbidden woman and embrace the bosom of an adulteress?
Pro 5:21 For a man's ways are before the eyes of the LORD, and he ponders all his paths.
Pro 5:22 The iniquities of the wicked ensnare him, and he is held fast in the cords of his sin.
Pro 5:23 He dies for lack of discipline, and because of his great folly he is led astray.
Also note metaphors about water: cisterns, wells, springs, streams, and fountains. Note the instructions. What principle relates to a wife? How does this contrast with the one that relates to an adulteress?
Be sure to note the destiny (the"end") of the wicked. The wicked and the righteous each have a destiny, and as you might expect, one destiny is unpleasant, and one is pleasant. What evil is discussed in this chapter?
How would you theme Proverbs 5?
After you have done your study, you may go to the comments section to see the answers in which I found in my own study time. Compare them to what you have learned, and feel free to post what you received from today's study. Please Post any prayer requests you may have. This weeks prayer requests are posted on Day 14 of the study, I will update prayer requests as I recieve them. I pray that you all have a great night of rest, and wonderful day tomorrow.
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1 comment:
I remember Proverbs 5 very well, I will share a special story about what this chapter means to me. My husband and I were just married, and we wanted to start our marriage off right. We had a 7pm wedding, followed by photo's and a short reception. We probably got to our hotel room about 11pm. My husband gave to me letters that he had written to me, and then read the scripture of how he should always be intoxicated by my love. It was the sweetest thing and something that I will always cherish. It is not just the words that he said to me that night, but it is the words that he lives.
Men, you should rejoice in the wife of your youth, and she shall be yours alone. This verse says that you shall be intoxicated always in her love. It doesn't just say that you should love her, but you should be intoxicated always in her love.
INTOX'ICATE, v.t. [in and L. toxicum, which, Pliny informs us, is from taxa, a species of tree.]
1. To inebriate; to make drunk; as with spirituous liquor.
As with new wine intoxicated both,
They swim in mirth--
2. To excite the spirits to a kind of delirium; to elate to enthusiasm, frenzy or madness. Success may sometimes intoxicate a man of sobriety. An enthusiast may be intoxicated and zeal.
Your wife should excite you always. You should love her, pray for her, enjoy being with her.
My husband is going to laugh when he reads this, but we were at Jesus Fest one year and was listening to an afternoon discussion by a member of one of the bands. He gets on stage and yells "SEX is great, and then he pauses, and said when your married." Women, you should do the same for him. Most men think that your desires for him go away when you get married and it should be just the opposite. Don't give him a reason to want to be intoxicated by someone else, all of his desires should be fulfilled through his wife. You both chose each other, it was your decision to committ to each other and love one another.
Men, don't give your wife a reason to be intoxicated by someone else. Love her, listen to her with an open heart, don't be quick to yell, but learn to communicate with each other.
There are some of you thinking right now,"I have never cheated on my spouse, I would nog even think of it." But you would think of staring at a half naked girl or guy in a magazine, or on TV. What about those guy to guy talks about how hot the girl is that just walked by. Girls, don't think you don't do that when some good looking guy walks by, or you see an ad in a magazine. I have seen all ages, all religious and nonreligious people do that. You are disrespecting your spouse, and you are allowing yourself to slowly be ensnared by the wicked. We must deiscipline ourselves. Notice it doesn't say that we will never be enticed by this sin if we are full of the spirit, it says he dies for lack of discipline. We need to discipline ourselves. Learn not to turn our heads when we see some eye candy walk by. Learn to not talk about guys and girls we see on TV. Men, ravish your wives, be intoxicated in them. Women, show your husband that those desires don't fade with each passing year in your marriage, yet they should increase.
I know that I didn't answer many of the questions, but this chapter is so special to me, I just wanted to share my heart. I pray that we will know what it means to be ravished and intoxicated in our spouses.
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