I wanted to add a kid devotion to my study. Every night we sit down with our children and do a short devotion. This will take about 5 to 10 minutes of your time with your kids. After your devotion, have your kids pray, then pray over your kids. I always encourage my kids to pray for their friends. We try to add a new prayer request every week.
KIDS STUDY (Searching Deep)
I always have my kids get their bibles out and read the verse. It's typically just 2 or 3 verses. If you have more than one child, try to split it up or take turns. At my house, my kids have two different bible versions, so I have them both read.
James 2:23 Abraham...was called God's friend.
Story: Luke burst into the kitchen, opening an envelope. " We got a letter from Miguel!" (ask your kids how they think they would feel to get a letter from their best friend.
His mother smiled. "That's wonderful. What does it say?" Luke's family had decided to sponsor a needy child from another country. They'd agreed to send money each month to an organization call Compassion International. That way, the organization could feed Miguel, help him stay healthy, help educate him, and tell him about Jesus. And the best part was, Luke and Miguel were going to be pen pals!
"There's Miguel's handwriting," Luke said, "but it's in Spanish."
His mom asked, "isn't it translated into English?"
Luke flipped the letter over. "Oh yeah. Here it is." He read it. "WOW. Miguel goes to school like me, and he loves baseball too." Luke lived in Minnesota. Miguel lived in Nicaragua, which was in Central America. Using the internet, Luke and his parents had learned a lot about Nicaragua. Luke wanted to go there someday and meet Miguel in person. Meanwhile, it was cool having a friend in another country. Grabbing a pen, Luke said, "I'm gonna write back and tell Miguel all about me!"
Prayer allows you to be "pen pals" with God. Although you can't see God now, you can build a relationship with him through prayer and reading your bible. And someday, with faith in Jesus, you'll meet Jesus face to face.
Exodus 33:11 The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend.
Now for our adult Study Time:
All we need to do today is list the claims wisdom makes in verses 1-21. Take your time and meditate on what you learn in these verses. They're so rich.
Precepts of Wisdom
1. They are proclaimed aloud
2. They are proclaimed from on high
3. They are proclaimed in the places of concourse, where multitudes are gathered together, the more the better.
4. They are proclaimed where they are most needed.
5. They are directed to the children of men.
6. They are designed to make them wise
This is really deep reading. A lot to take in, in a few short verses.
It also says that wisdom is better than jewels and all you desire cannot compare to her. .....That is a pretty strong verse. Take a minute to think about what it really means. I'm sitting here thinking of all the things I desire, I would love to go to Cozumel or Cancun, a house at least twice the size of the one I own, all my bills to be paid off, I could go on forever on this one. It says that all of those cannot compare to wisdom. So what should I truly desire more, all of these wonderful earthly things, or wisdom? Wisdom of Course.
Matthew Henry says that in verses 12-21 wisdom is Christ.
Divine wisdom gives men a level head
It gives men good hearts
It has a good influence on governing affairs
It will make all those happy, truly happy, that receive and embrace it.
That's a lot for today. We will study verse 8 some more tomorrow. There is a lot to embrace, and we have three days to embrace it.
I hope you all are having a good day. Be careful in this nasty weather. Don't drive tonight if you don't have to.
Love In Christ
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